MIDI state
Every time a handler is called, it will get passed a midi state that includes the source event and adds multiple attributes.
MIDI Shared State
State | Description |
fading | True if the target is being faded. |
noting | True if the target is being noted. |
turning | True if the target is being turned. |
target | True when the Midi is active. |
messaging | True if the target is being messaged. |
requested | True when user grant permission to access MIDI devices. |
supported | True when Web MIDI API is supported by the browser. |
allowed | True when user gave permission to access MIDI devices. |
MIDI Generic State
State | Description |
event | Raw Midi Event Object. |
target | Raw Event Target Object. |
type | Raw Midi Event type. |
active | True when the Midi is active. |
blocked | True when theM idi is blocked. |
enabled | True when the Midi is enabled. |
first | True when its the first event. |
last | True when its the last event. |
startTime | The start time of the current event. |
deltaTime | The delta between current and previous event. |
timeStamp | The timestamp of the current event. |
elapsedTime | Elapsed tie of the current Midi. |
init | Raw values when the Midi started. |
data | Current raw values of the Midi. |
prev | Previous raw values of the Midi. |
delta | Between current raw Midi values and previous values. |
sign | Direction of the delta values. |
value | The number of Midi velocity number if recieved. |
delay | The number of delay time stamp when send. |
command | The number of recieved Midi command code. |
channel | The number of recieved Midi channel number. |
note | The number of Midi note number if recieved. |
args | The arguments when you bind. |
MIDI state attributes
With the exception of xy and vxvy, all attributes bellow are common to all accesses.
const bind = useNote(state => {
const { data } = state
Note state attributes
The note midi state adds a few attributes whih can help you understand the user intent.
const bind = useXXX(state => {})